
十大彩票平台的学生金融服务部采用了以下NASFAA和马萨诸塞州高等教育委员会的道德原则声明, 马萨诸塞州高等教育委员会行为准则和NASFAA行为准则的组成部分,以确保最高的道德行为和专业实践.

NASFAA Statement of Ethical Principles

学生 Financial Services of Springfield Technical Community college follows NASFAA's Statement of Ethical Principles, 哪条规定了经济援助专业人员的主要目标是通过经济支持和资源帮助学生实现他们的教育目标. NASFAA的成员被要求表现出最高水平的道德行为和最高水平的专业精神.

We, financial aid professionals, declare our commitment to the following Statement of Ethical Principles.

Financial aid administrators shall:

Advocate for 学生

  • Remain aware of issues affecting 学生 and continually advocate for their interests at the institutional, 状态 and federal levels.
  • 支持联邦, 状态 and institutional efforts to encour年龄 学生, as early as the elementary grades, to aspire to and plan for education beyond high school.

Manifest the highest level of integrity

  • Commit to the highest level of ethical behavior and refrain from conflict of interest or the perception thereof.
  • Deal with others honestly and fairly, 遵守我们的承诺,始终以一种值得他人信任和信心的方式行事.
  • Protect the privacy of individual student financial records.
  • Promote the free expression of ideas and opinions, and foster respect for diverse viewpoints within the profession.

支持 student access and success

  • 致力于为那些想要追求高等教育的人消除经济障碍,并支持每一个被我们机构录取的学生.
  • Without charge, assist 学生 in applying for financial aid funds.
  • Provide services and apply principles that do not discriminate on the basis of race, 性别, 种族, sexual orientation, 宗教, 残疾, 年龄, or economic status.
  • 了解理财教育的必要性,并致力于教育学生和家庭如何负责任地管理开支和债务.

Comply with federal and 状态 laws

  • Adhere to all applicable laws and 规定 governing federal, 状态, and institutional financial aid programs.
  • 积极参与正在进行的专业发展和继续教育计划,以确保充分了解法规, 规定, and best practices governing the financial aid programs.
  • Encour年龄 colleagues to participate in the financial aid professional associations available to them at the 状态, 区域, or national level and offer assistance to other aid professionals as needed.

Strive for transparency and clarity

  • 为我们的学生和家长提供他们在上大学和支付大学费用方面做出正确决定所需的信息.
  • Educate 学生 and families through quality information that is consumer-tested when possible. This includes (but is not limited to) transparency and full disclosure on 奖 notices.
  • 通过在机构的所有学生经济援助申请人中一致地应用所有需求分析公式来确保公平.
  • Inform institutions, 学生, and parents of any changes in financial aid programs that could affect their student aid eligibility.

Protect the privacy of financial aid applicants

  • 确保申请人提供给经济援助办公室的学生和家长的私人信息受到所有州和联邦法规的保护, including FERPA and the Higher Education Act, Section 483(a)(3)(E) (20 U.S.C. 1090).
  • 通过确保这些信息仅用于应用程序,保护FAFSA上的信息免受不当使用, 奖, and administration of aid 奖ed under Title IV of the Higher Education Act, 国家援助, or aid 奖ed by eligible institutions.

NASFAA 行为准则 for Institutional 金融援助 Professionals

春田技术社区学院的学生金融服务也遵循NASFAA的机构金融援助专业人员行为准则的组成部分.  机构财务援助专业人员应在履行其职责的各个方面始终保持专业行为的模范标准, specifically including all dealings with any entities involved in any manner in student financial aid, regardless of whether such entities are involved in a government sponsored, 补贴, or regulated activity. In doing so, members of this institution will ensure that:

  1. 财务援助人员不得为个人利益或可能被视为利益冲突而采取任何行动.
    • Employees within the financial aid office will not 奖 aid to themselves or their immediate family members. Staff will reserve this task to an institutionally designated person, to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.
    • If a preferred lender list is provided, it will be compiled without prejudice and for the sole benefit of the 学生 attending the institution. The information included about lenders and loan terms will be transparent, complete, and accurate. The complete process through which preferred lenders are selected will be fully and publically disclosed. Borrowers will not be auto-assigned to any particular lender.
    • A borrower's choice of a lender will not be denied, 阻碍, or unnecessarily delayed by the institution, even if that lender is not included on the institution's preferred lender list.
    • No amount of cash, 礼物, 任何经济援助申请人(或其家庭)的经济援助工作人员应接受超过最低金额的福利。, 或来自与该机构有业务往来或寻求与该机构有业务往来的任何实体(包括咨询委员会或董事会的服务,超出与该服务直接相关的合理费用的报销范围)。.
  2. 信息 provided by the financial aid office is accurate, 无偏见的, and does not reflect preference arising from actual or potential personal gain.
  3. 所有必需的消费者资料均显示在各院校网站的显著位置及任何印刷材料上, easily identified and found, and labeled as Consumer 信息.
  4. Financial aid professionals will disclose to their institution any involvement, 兴趣, or potential conflict of interest with any entity with which the institution has a business relationship.

As approved by NASFAA's Board of Directors, March 2014

Massachusetts Board of Higher Education 行为准则-学生 Loan 项目


以下行为准则旨在管理马萨诸塞州公立大学的教育贷款实践,以帮助确保学生教育贷款计划各方面的完整性. 这项政策正式确立了公立高等教育机构在努力提供负担得起的高等教育机会方面长期奉行的行为准则.

Statement of Ethical Principles

The Board of Higher Education believes that the practice of institutions, in recommending lenders for private loans, 是否应以贷款成本为基础,但也可考虑申请程序的便利性和速度等因素, funds disbursement, and quality customer service, 所有这些都必须以学生的最大兴趣和需求为重点,而不是直接考虑学校的任何经济优势.

Institutions must inform 学生 and their families that they may select the lender of their choice, but to safeguard against predatory lenders, 各院校应向学生提供信息,使他们能够就最佳贷款方案作出决定, with the most favorable terms, customer service, and lender integrity.

十大彩票平台 does not have a preferred lender list for private loans and therefore does not promote any lender.


该机构及其财政援助人员的主要目标是通过提供适当的财政资源来帮助学生实现他们的教育潜力. 为此目的, this document provides institutions, specifically financial aid professionals, with a set of principles that serves as a common foundation for an acceptable standard of conduct.

Institutions and their 金融援助 Professionals shall:

  1. Maintain the highest level of professionalism
  2. Commit to the highest level of ethical behavior and refrain from conflict of interest or the perception thereof
  3. Respect the dignity and protect the privacy of 学生, and ensure the confidentiality of student records and personal circumstances
  4. Provide information to families for lenders that have proven to provide the best combination of price, 获得资金, and service to 学生 and families
  5. 进一步, institutions shall ensure that all officers, 受托人, 董事, employees or 年龄nts, and financial aid professionals adhere to the following:
  6. 可能不接受 礼物s, 餐, 旅行, or any other non-trivial items from student loan providers in connection with the institution's loan business
  7. 可能不接受, from a lending institution, 钱, 设备, or printing services or anything of value that may provide or suggest an advant年龄 or grant a preferred status
  8. If serving as a member of a lending institution's advisory board, may not accept anything of value in exchange for this service, such as "revenue sharing"